
개별차원의 긍정적 행동지원(PBS)이 지적장애 아동의 문제행동에 미치는 영향

김창호1, 최미점2,*
Chang-Ho Kim1, Mi-Jum Choi2,*
Author Information & Copyright
1한국선진학교, 교사
2경민대학교, 교수
1Kyungmin Univ
2Kyungmin Univ

ⓒ Copyright 2018, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Sep 15, 2018; Revised: Oct 29, 2018; Accepted: Oct 29, 2018

Published Online: Oct 31, 2018


이 연구는 개별차원의 긍정적 행동지원이 지적장애 아동의 문제행동에 미치는 효과와 중재가 종료된 후 에도 유지되는지를 검증하였다. 연구대상은 지적장애 아동 1명이고, 이동시간, 수업시간 및 자율시간에 문제행동(엘리베이터 출입문이나 내부 벽 손바닥으로 치기, 혀로 물건 핥기, 특정 친구 따라 다니며 괴롭 히기)에 대한 기능 행동 평가를 통해 가설을 설정하였다. 이를 바탕으로 배경사건 중재, 선행사건 중재, 대체행동 교수 및 후속 결과 중재를 실시하였다. 연구방법은 행동간 중다기초선 설계를 하였고, 자료 수 집은 부분간격기록법을 사용하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 개별차원의 긍정적 행동지원은 문제행동 감소에 효 과적이었다. 둘째, 개별차원의 긍정적 행동지원 중재 종료 후에도 문제행동의 중재 효과가 유지되었다.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of individualized positive behavior support(PBS) intervention on problem behaviors of a student with severe intellectual disability in national special school. The instructional consultation was focused on the contents and procedures regarding PBS. The target behaviors were three, pulling up the elevator door or inner wall, stuff with tongue, follow along with friends and bother during his studying time at school. The functional behavior assessment led to the hypotheses for problem behaviors in natural context like class teaching at school. The positive behavior support of setting event, antecedent, alternative behavior, and consequence behavior intervention were designed using multiple baseline design across behaviors. The frequency of student’s problem behavior was measured using partial interval recording. The results of the study were as follows. Firstly, individualized positive behavior support was effective to decrease the pulling up the elevator door or inner wall, stuff with tongue, follow along with friends and bother during his studying time at school. Secondly, the effects of pulling up the elevator door or inner wall, stuff with tongue, follow along with friends and bother during his studying time at school by the positive behavior support intervention was maintained after the intervention. In conclusion, this study indicated that individualized positive behavior support through the cooperation of PBS team was effective decrease the target student’s problem behaviors.

Keywords: 긍정적 행동지원; 엘리베이터 손바닥으로 치기; 물건 핥기; 친구 괴롭히기
Keywords: positive behavior support; pulling up the elevator door or inner wall; stuff with tongue; follow along with friends and bother during his studying time at school