Journal of Behavior Analysis and Support
Korean Association for Behavior Analysis

화자집중훈련(Speaker Immersion)이 자폐스펙트럼 장애를 가진 유아의 자발적인 맨드(Mand) 및 택트(Tact) 행동 증가에 미치는 영향

박혜숙1,*, 김수정2, 이유진3, 유연희4, 안효민5, 김승주6, 장혜정7
Hye-Suk LeePark1,*, Hyo-Min Ahn2, Su-Jeong Kim3, Seung-Ju Kim4, Yu-Jin Lee5, Hye-Jeong Jang6, Yeon-Hee Yu7
1KAVBA ABA 아동센터, 원장
2KAVBA ABA 아동센터, 치료사
3KAVBA ABA 아동센터, 치료사
4KAVBA ABA 아동센터, 치료사
5KAVBA ABA 아동센터, 치료사
6KAVBA ABA 아동센터, 치료사
7KAVBA ABA 아동센터, 치료사

ⓒ Copyright 2018, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Sep 04, 2018; Revised: Oct 21, 2018; Accepted: Oct 26, 2018

Published Online: Oct 31, 2018


이 연구는 화자집중훈련이 자발적인 맨드와 택트의 증가에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. 연구 참여 아동들 은 자폐성 장애가 있는 만 4~6세 남녀 아동 다섯 명이었으며, 참여자 간 지연된 중다 기초선 설계를 사 용하였다. 화자집중훈련은 화장실 사용, 간식 시간과 같이 반복되는 일상에서 진행되었다. 중재 절차의 주요 요소는 설립조작(establishing operation)인데, 즉 참여 아동이 앞서 언급된 일과를 수행하려 할 때 실험 자에 의해 일과 진행이 중단되어 맨드의 필요성이 증가한 상황이 조작되고, 참여 아동의 맨드에 의해 다 시 중단된 활동이 계속되어 그 활동을 완수할 수 있도록 하였다. 참여 아동에 따라 하루에 여섯 번에서 15번의 설립조작이 제시되었다. 목표하는 맨드 관련 강화 이력의 원활한 형성을 위해 설립조작이 이루어 진 상황에서 에코익 촉구가 사용되었다. 아울러 중재에 의한 맨드의 증가가 자발적인 택트의 증가에 영 향을 미치는지를 알아보기 위해 복도 벽에 게시된 그림이나 사물을 택트하는지 관찰하였다. 연구 결과, 아동들의 맨드의 빈도가 중재 전보다 증가하였다. 공작 시간이나 자유 놀이상황과 같이 중재되지 않은 상황에서 맨드와 택트가 증가하였으나, 이러한 일반화의 정도는 참여 아동에 따라 차이를 보였다. 실험 결과는 참여 아동들의 언어능력(verbal capabilities) 수준과 관련하여 논의되었다.


The purpose of this study was to examine effects of a Speaker Immersion Procedure on frequency of spontaneous mands and tacts in children with autism spectrum disorders. The study was conducted for 2 girls(4-, 6-year old) and 3 boys (4-, 6-year old) with autism spectrum disorders in a private agency where Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention was provided in a metropolitan city. All of the participants had mands and tact but didn’t show spontaneous mands and tacts. Data were collected in a delayed multiple baseline across participant design. Target behaviors were spontaneous mands and tacts when relevant establishing operations were in place. Intervention was Speaker Immersion during which an intensive mand training was provided with captured or devised establishing operations through a Behavior Chain Interruption Strategies. Relevant establishing operations were manipulated during daily routine such as using bathroom or snack time. The children needed to mand for each step of daily routine in order to complete the routine. For example, the children were required to mand for pulling up pants, using soap, water, paper towel and etc. in order to finish using the bathroom. 6-15 establishing operations were manipulated during one intervention session. During the intervention, the experimenter provided echoic prompts if the children didn’t emit independent mands within 3 to 5 seconds after a relevant establishing operation was in place. The prompted mands were followed immediate reinforcement. Generalizations were tested in other settings such as at a play ground, during art activity or free plays. Spontaneous tacts were also tested to see whether increasing spontaneous mands during daily routine induce increased tacts. The results showed that the intervention procedure were effective in increasing spontaneous and independent mands during training sessions. The results of generalizations and increasing tacts varied across the participants. The results were discussed in terms of the level of verbal capabilities of each participant.

Keywords: 화자집중훈련; 행동연쇄중단절차; 자폐성장애; 맨드; 택트; 동기조작
Keywords: speaker immersion; behavior chain interruption strategy; ASD; mands; tacts; establishing operation