Lexical and Goal Inference Making in a Cooperative Story Mapping for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their Peers
Received: Mar 11, 2017; Revised: Apr 10, 2017; Accepted: Apr 10, 2017
Published Online: Apr 30, 2017
Three elementary school students with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and their peers in cooperative learning groups participated in lexical and goal inference making in a cooperative story mapping intervention. A multiple-baseline design across participants was implemented to assess the intervention effect on reading comprehension skills of students with ASDs. Generalization of learned skills and social validity of the participants were also examined. Students with ASDs as well as peers increased their reading comprehension scores, especially on inferential questions. This study contributes to the existing literature on effective reading instruction strategies for students with ASDs in an inclusive educational setting.
자폐학생 3명과 일반학생 9명이 3개의 협동그룹을 만들어서, 협동 story mapping활동을 통해서 문맥 그리고 목적을 추론하는 방법을 12주간 배웠다. 자폐 학생들 간의 대상자간 중다기초선설계(multiple-baseline across participants) 연구방법을 통해서 이 활동이 자폐학생들의 독해력에 미치는 효과를 측정하였다. 목표행동의 일반화와 연구의 사회적 타당성 역시 측정되었다. 발달장애학생 뿐만 아니라 일반학생들도 독해력, 특히 추론능력이 증가됨을 보여주어서 이 연구는 현재 통합교육현장에서 발달장애학생들을 위한 효과적인 독해 력 증진에 관한 기존의 연구문헌에 기여를 한다.